Friday, June 4, 2010

Ready to Radish

We have been patiently waiting to pick radishes, and after examining them for the past week, the kids were thrilled when I let them pull them from the dirt. I have two 4" deep planter boxes with radishes that I planted two weeks apart to make sure we have them continuously growing. 
We brought them in and cleaned them off, cutting off the tops and bottoms. I like to slice them thin on the mandolin and then marinate them in either rice wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar with a splash of soy sauce. It mellows their natural peppery spice, and they become crunchy little flavorful treats. I would have taken after pictures, but as soon as I set down the bowl, the kids devoured them. Also worth trying: Bread & Butter Radishes.

1 comment:

Just Ma said...

Great looking radishes, great recipes---love fresh produce. Thanks,