Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Jersey's  dreary day meant that we had a reason to stay inside and start spring cleaning. You know, like organizing drawers, weeding through toys, and cleaning closets. One plus: I found these corduroy pants that I wore back when I thought that frumpy was fashionable. They were awkwardly cut and looked huge on me, and like most of my pants, the hems were badly worn. 
But I didn't want to give up on them just yet, and I was more than eager to try to knock off a pair of these
The fit is much more flattering and they turned out to be a nice pair of casual slacks. Photos are courtesy of my fabulous photographer, Phia, who documented me finally taking down the Christmas lights. 


Just Ma said...

Great jean tailoring--fantastic photography---Go Phia!!!!

Aunt Dawn said...

Very Cute!
Wanted to let you guys know that the Strawberry Festival is this Saturday at Peddler's Village in New Hope.