Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Birthday Thoughts

Phia woke up to birthday balloons floating around the house. Her reaction was classic- so filled with amazement and excitement. I had a kind of epiphany in which I realized that I remember five very well- I can recall the details of my fifth birthday like the cake we ate, the games we played, and the confetti that fell out of the cards. It reminded me that I might have to step it up a bit, so Phia will have those same special feelings when she thinks back to her early birthdays. I wonder what little things she will remember- the outfit she picked out, the endless rain storm, the Ikea lunch she requested, or all of the sweet messages, cards and gifts she received from friends and family.


Just Ma said...

Was waiting for some BD pics. Loved your BLOG and sharing of memories.
Love, Ma

Chris James Anderson, Ed.D said...

What a gift to us all! You are correct, the fifth party seems to be the year everyone recalls! Send me ideas for a special gift!
Love, Uncle Chris