Thursday, October 1, 2009

the apple never falls far from the tree...

... unless it is picked and devoured by my son. while apple picking i thought that ori couldn't be happier; he was free to roam and run around the orchard while eating a big jonah gold apple. danny wanted to get a nice variety of apples, but some turned out to be mealier than expected so we made a small batch of applesauce. chunky, of course.
after peeling and giving six apples a rough chop, i threw them in a pot with about an inch of water. i let that sit on medium heat for about 30 minutes and then added a tablespoon of cinnamon and an ounce of orange juice. i did not pass my mix through a sieve, and ended up with a nice chunky texture.

1 comment:

Just Ma said...

What a boy! He devoured that apple. Have you tried Honey Crisp, Fuji, or Ambrosia apples? All are crisp and sweet--I even bake w/Fuji. Love the family pics. Keep them coming.